This is a letter I recently read on Sarah Palin's Facebook page by a woman that commented on another letter to an op/ed piece in a newspaper.By the time I copy and pasted it the woman's comment was gone so I failed in finding her to ask permission to post it.I hope she does not mind me sharing it with you.It completely captures all that I think and feel about the lastest legislative disaster coming out of DC.Mysterious-letter-writing-lady,Thank You and God Bless you!!!
Dears Sirs and Madams:
Go home. Enjoy your holidays. Enjoy your families. Look into the woeful eyes of your children that you will be leaving in a bankrupted state by spending money that you don’t have and by making us go without decent health care because neither we nor the nation can pay for it. Sit down with your humiliated mothers and explain your shameful behavior of ignoring the people that you represent, breaking your sacred oaths of office and constantly lying to us. Step back from this debate and let the American people have time to read the final bill that you want to pass and the CBO scores while you read the bill, read the myriad of polls that are against you and this administration, and search your hearts for honor and your moral compasses.
Tell the President to stop using the same scare tactics that he vilifies others for using, to live up to his promise for transparency, and to also remember his promise to not sign a single bill that costs us “one dime.” You and the President and other Cabinet members must stop using bribes and threats to get your way. That is not a democratic process. That is corruption. This President swore that he would go through budgets and spending bills “item by item” to strike unnecessary pork spending, yet the House forged ahead to allow millions and millions of dollars to be earmarked for special interests. The health care bills are loaded with extensive regulations that go far and away beyond any Constitutional powers, with more costly agencies, increased bureaucracies and intrusive personal programs that violate our basic freedoms and liberties to raise our children and make decisions for our families.
Your bill is a mess. Your house is in a mess. Even your mice are leaving the ship that they are sinking, as Democrat after Democrat throw in the towel on any chance of re-election and announce retirement. You have completely shut out any money-saving, small steps towards health reform that Republicans have suggested. You have met under the cloak of secrecy like thieves in the night, and your plan to vote while Americans are distracted by their holy days is vile, despicable, dishonest, appalling, contemptible, wicked, shameful, loathsome, and deceitful; and will be UNFORGETTABLE in 2010 and 2012.
I would be remiss if I did not offer solutions, as I know that we could improve our health care system. But my solutions would insure better health care, not control and manipulate favored industries with bonuses and privileges while holding non-contributing industries back and limiting, if not killing, their businesses. We can better serve health CARE without rampant government control, the expansion of the federal government, or taking monies away from Medicare. (Even though Medicare and Medicaid and related programs are unconstitutional, I will accept that they are here to stay until they go completely bankrupt like other federal programs.)
Health care, medical and health care insurance costs can be made affordable if you:
• Establish wise universal access programs to guarantee access to affordable health care for those with pre-existing conditions. Like car insurance, you pay less and get less coverage for a “clunker,” but some coverage should be offered to anyone who desires it.
• End junk lawsuits and curb defensive medical practices such as performing and recommending unnecessary tests and procedures by enacting medical liability reforms.
• Prevent insurers from unjustly cancelling a policy unless a person commits fraud or purposefully conceals material facts about a health condition.
• Encourage small business health plans with the power to pool together to vie for lower rates as co-ops.
• Allow Americans to buy insurance across state lines as we do other types of insurance.
• Promote healthier lifestyles by giving employers greater flexibility to financially reward employees who exercise, make wise health decisions and make few insurance claims or tax rebates for people who seldom use the health care system.
• Allow and enhance Health Savings Accounts to pay premiums for high deductible health insurance.
• Allow dependents to remain on their parents’ policies until they are 25.
•Allow people to choose to be uninsured, knowing they will have to pay for their medical needs.
•Regulate pharmaceutical and medical equipment costs.
•Do not grant special favors for labor unions who have their own access to negotiations and pooling or illegal immigrants who are free to go home to their own health care system.
•Do not allow federal monies or American tax dollars to pay for abortions, support programs that promote abortions, or supplement/reimburse doctors/clinics that perform abortions.
•Vigorously prosecute fraud in Medicare and Medicaid and related federal programs so that we can recover the billions of dollars that YOU say are wasted every year.
•Give the STATES the power to oversee the business of health care and health care insurance. The Constitution has no provisions for the federal government to do so. The federal government has the power to protect us from harm and abuse.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
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